SpreadSalam | We Love to Share…
Here in SpreadSalam, we aspire to ‘conquer’ the world by spreading salam (peace) to the whole mankind…
Well, believe us, we are in the process of doing that…
For the time being, we will try to do what we are capable of doing, sharing our love of peace through our designs and products.. We just enjoy doing it, and we hope you like them!
SpreadSalam wass founded by a team of husband and wife, born and bred in Malaysia. We started the company in 2010, back when we were in Australia, as one of our efforts in doing da’wah.
Our aims are to use our own style of graphics and designs to illustrate the beautiful verses from the Quran, Hadith and scholars, and even other beautiful quotes that are beneficial in a daily life of a Muslim. We want to offer products that motivate people to understand and experience the verses themselves and to practice the teachings of the verses. But more importantly, we want to make it fun and easy to share and spread it and reach as many people as we can.
Because as everything that is beautiful in this world, Islam is not meant to be just a keepsake, but we need to share it, spread it, and let people know about our beautiful and peaceful religion. And what’s the best way to share beautiful things? Make it even more beautiful and easy to remember.
SpreadSalam, SpreadGood
We love Islam and its teachings.
We love the beautiful verses and quotes from the Qur’an, Hadith and scholars.
We love graphics and illustration.
So we illustrate the verses and stories.
We love and strive to practise Islam the best we can.
We love improving our ibadah and our love of Islam.
So we make activity packs to help boost our motivation.
We love to share them and spread the words.
And we want people to love sharing too.
We are the Visualis Da’ie.
We’re passionate about what we’re doing.
We’re passionate on our cause.
And we want to spread it even more.
Everybody has Facebook, including us
Everyone has followers on Twitter, we also do
We also blog and tumbleblog
We also have an online art shop
Oh, we thought Google own the internet, so we have one too